What Is Holding You Back From Success

What Is Your What?

A lot of people focus on the why. Why am I motivated to change my life? The why is so important because it is the why that keeps us working towards our goal every day, but today we are talking about the what. What is holding you back from that success? It could be a lot of different outside factors or it could be something more personal. You could actually be holding yourself back. Sometimes it is not about having the knowledge of what is necessary to become successful, but about how you are implementing that knowledge in your life and in your business. You can know all the right steps to take, but if you are not doing them, that will never lead to success. The best way to get there is to start making incremental steps towards becoming the best positive version of yourself. Here are the things you need to start with.

Write Out Your Goals

It is not enough to mentally store your goals. You must write them down and keep them where you can see them. Make sure you have short-term goals as well as long-term goals. I highly suggest creating target goals but making sure they are also backed by action goals that will help you achieve the target goal (e.g., I will lose 20 pounds by this date, I will work out for a minimum of 15 minutes three days a week, and I will reduce my portions for lunch and dinner).

Create Your Vision Board

This is one of my most favorite activities. Have fun with it. Print out photos. Make it personal and dated. We need to see what we are trying to achieve while we are trying to achieve it. Often, before I have achieved a goal in life, I have already mentally visualized it tens of thousands of times before it happens! How can you not have hope and joy when you are constantly seeing the future you dream about. Do not forget to enjoy the now and day to day moments, but absolutely get those mental reps in!

List Your Whats

We all have things that we know have repeatedly gotten in the way of taking the steps we know we should be taking to reach our goals. List them out and then next to them list the change you could make to solve that problem. Change may not be easy, but we should not have to hit rock bottom before we are ready to make the necessary changes for our success.

Listen To Motivational Material

You know who the hardest critic is in your business? It is you. It is that inner voice. It is just this self-doubt that really challenges us. So we need to remember to also work on positive personal development to counteract those negative feelings and that tunnel vision. We say things that are easy to do are easy not to do, so I like to always start my day with something positive.
Click here to see some of my favorites.

Now that you have the whats that are getting in your way identified, pick one thing in the next seven days that you are going to start making a change on. Think of it like chiseling out a statue. We need to get rid of some of the rough edges and smooth it down. Look back at your vision board. What is the most important thing you are trying to accomplish? You can not have a roadmap for success if you have not identified where you are going and why you are going there. Use that as motivation and do not give up.

For more on your what, check out the What is your what mastermind call.

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